Tag Archives: good

Foods To Help You Lose Weight

Every year, thousands of dollars are spent on every imaginable diet program, slim-down products, and weigh loss pills. For many women, money is no object since the need to shed those extra pounds far outweighs any concern for finances.

Statistical data from 2003 to 2006 indicate that obesity rates had risen in 31 of the 50 American states. The data came from surveys conducted by different local health departments on the height and weight of people from different states. Another result of the survey pointed out a close relationship between obesity and heart disease among the respondents. Due to the serious health implications of the study, state funding had been allocated to educate people about the dangers of being obese and overweight. The government-sponsored weight loss programs also focused on simple information campaigns about good eating habits. People were provided flyers and other reading materials that contained information on how to make proper food choices. This strategy made sense since there are types of food that can actually curb one’s appetite and stop your sugar cravings. These food groups also boost metabolism which helps consume stored fat in the body which, in the process, leads to weight loss. Shown below are some of the “good food” that should be part of a weight watchers eating plan:

1. Beans – Beans contain cholecystokinin, a digestive harmone that acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Beans also keep blood sugar on an even keel and helps stave off hunger longer. High-fiber bean varieties can even lower cholesterol levels.

2. Salad – Eating salad is highly recommended by the American Dietetic Association because the vegetable-based meal is rich in vitamins c and e, lycopene, folic acid, and carontenoids. However, it is best to cut down on the dressing when eating salad. Some salad dressings can actually be high in calories.

3. Eggs – Eaten in moderate amounts, eggs are good for the health since these contain protein that helps prevent spikes in blood sugar. Weight watchers are often advised to eat only egg whites.

4. Green Tea – This type of tea is an antioxidant and helps stimulate metabolism which, in turn, burns fat. Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins.

5. Soup – Having a little chicken soup is good for the body because it helps decrease hunger. Chicken soup is considered a folk remedy for colds and flu.

6. High-fiber Cereals – Cereals which are high in fiber help improve digestion and are good for reducing hunger pangs.

7. Tofu – If you eat tofu, you tend to eat less food. Tofu is considered as an appetite-quashing protein.

8. Lean Beef – Lean beef contains an amino acid called leucine which helps provide energy, regulate blood sugar, and repair muscles.

9. Olive Oil – Cooking food in olive oil is healthy because it contains mono-unsaturated fat which is widely accepted as a product that helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

10. Pears – This fruit is a good source of fiber and fructose which does not cause spikes in blood-sugar levels.

11. Nuts – Research released by Purdue University showed that adding about 500 calories of peanuts to their regular diet helped them eat less food that could cause weight gain.

12. Vinegar- Acetic acid found in vinegar slows the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine, thereby causing satiety (a feeling of fullness in the stomach). Vinegar also helps improve blood glucose control which is needed by diabetics.

13. Red Hot Pepper – A bowl of spicy chili can help a person lose weight due to an ingredient called capsaicin. This ingredient actually helps suppress appetite.

Indeed, being in control of one’s weight involves the simple act of choosing to eat good food. Having a regular exercise program and controlling the number of calories consumed each day will go a long way in helping a person win the Battle of the Bulge.

Foods To Help You Lose Weight

good, salad, eat, blood, weight., helps, food via weight loss guaranteedhttp://weight-loss-guaranteed.blogspot.com/2013/09/foods-to-help-you-lose-weight.html

Eliminate Negative Thoughts And Lose Weight

You think thousands of thoughts each day. You talk to yourself more than anyone else. You are your most trusted advisor and confidant. Many of the conversations that you have with yourself you would never share with anyone else because to do so would expose the “real” you. The you that is filled with self doubt, worries, sadness, guilt, hurts and disappointments. 

But this is not the “real you” at all. This is the you that your ego and belief systems have constructed. These negative beliefs have been constructed by you, and accepted by you as truth. The sad thing is that nothing can be further from the truth.

Where did these false ideas about you originate? They mostly came from others; parents, teachers, co-workers, and friends. They might have planted the seed by saying something like “she is fat” and you have cultivated those comments to the point that they have become your truth.

You are allowing your entire life to be controlled by some obscure comments made years ago. Nobody has the right or power to dictate who you are. Only you know who you truly are and what’s in your heart. 

When you were born you entered this world without the burdens of you current negative belief system. You entered this world as a beautiful bundle of joy filled with unlimited potential and possibilities. 

I’m here to tell you that you have not changed. You are still and will always be a beautiful bundle of joy with unlimited potential and possibilities. 

The only difference is what you give your attention to. Let me ask you a question. If you stopped all the negative talk that you currently have with yourself such as;

– I’m too fat

– Why would anyone want to love me

– I will never be thin

– I always fail

And the list can go on and on… How would you feel ? Do you think that you would feel emotionally lighter ? Do you think that you would feel happier ? Do you think that you would feel more confident ? 

Now how do you think your life would change if you were to go one step further and modify your self talk by only speaking positively about yourself. If you take some time and focus on what you like about yourself and focus on only that your emotional state will become positive to the point that you will be able to accomplish anything. 

Once you begin looking for the positive things within you, you will be surprised to realize your magnificence has always been there just below the surface. You have never been anything other then that shining bundle of joy that entered the world years ago. It’s easy to uncover positive aspects of yourself by asking some questions.

– What am I good at? 

– Who has benefited by me being in the world?

– Who am I, what is in my heart that only I know?

– What do I like about my body?

Your goal is to feel good now. How do you feel now? If you only observe what you feel is positive about you, you will feel good, you will be happy. Decide right here and right now how you want to feel. Decide that you will always look for the good within you and appreciate that goodness. 
So what does all of this have to do with losing weight? Everything!!! Your emotional state is the control valve that determines what you draw into your experience. How you talk to yourself creates your beliefs and programs your subconscious. So you need to ask yourself do you want your beliefs and subconscious programming to be based on false negative thinking. Or do you want your beliefs to be based on the truth, that you are and always have been a perfect being. 

Begin today to love and nurture yourself. Allow the joy, playfulness and enthusiasm that you naturally had as a child begin to flow into your everyday experiences. Allow yourself to celebrate each and every success no matter how small. Love and appreciate yourself every opportunity you have. Do this everyday and watch your weight begin to dissolve just as your old negative beliefs about yourself begin to dissolve.

Eliminate Negative Thoughts And Lose Weight

negative, good, joy, beliefs, world., positive, feel via weight loss guaranteedhttp://weight-loss-guaranteed.blogspot.com/2013/08/eliminate-negative-thoughts-and-lose.html